






作者: 管理员 发布于:2011-06-10




      杭州华光光电有限公司成立于1995年10月, 其前身为浙江大学光学薄膜技术开发部,是由浙江大学光学与光电子薄膜研究所出资建立的学科性公司,而后于2002年12月通过改制成为民营企业。公司以浙江大学光学与光电子薄膜研究所为技术依托,拥有6名教授、2名副教授、6名博士、3名硕士的高层次人才队伍, 能够开发各种高难度的光学与光电子薄膜器件、光电仪器设备、立体三维显示设备、矿用电子产品和智能安防产品等等。虽然公司规模不大,在国内却具较强的研究技术优势, 特别是2002年与日本NEC-VT合作以来,投影机的开发取得了实质性的进展。
    公司拥有700mm镀膜机、反应离子刻蚀机和ESPEC PL-4KPH温湿试验机(日本进口)以及进口分光光度计等设备, 其主要业务为, 复杂薄膜系统的设计和制造、教学实验仪器的开发制造、成像系统设计、照明系统设计、矿用电子模块产品、智能安防产品等等;作为NEC的合作伙伴,配合NEC-VT(现更名为NDS)进行LCD,DLP投影机、部件及零件的寿命评价和整机开发。




Hangzhou Hua Guang Photoelectric Technology Co.,Ltd.
        Hangzhou Hua Guang Photoelectric Technology Co.,Ltd ("Hua Guang ") was established in October 1995, originating from its predecessor, R&D Center for Optical Coating Technology, Zhejiang University ("R&D Center"). She is a university technical enterprise financially contributed by Institute of Optical and Optoelectronic Thin Films, Zhejiang University. And she became a collectivization enterprise after reformation in December 2002.
        Hua Guang is capable of the development of various kinds of demanding optical and optoelectronic thin film devices, photoelectric instruments and display equipment and so on., depending of the technology on Institute of Optical and Optoelectronic Thin Films, Zhejiang University (now renamed as Institute of Photoelectric Displays), with 6 professors, 3 associate professors, 6 Ph.D. and 3 masters as its superior R&D team. Though Hua Guang is not a big company, it has a huge superiority in technology in China, compared with other identical companies. And its development of projector has indeed made out after cooperating with NEC-VT (Now known as NEC Display Solutions) in early 2002.
        Hua Guang has 700mm coating machine, ESPEC PL-4KPH constant temperature and humidity tester (made in Japan), and spectrophotometer and so on. Hua Guang mainly focuses on the design and manufacture of complex coatings and testing instruments, photoelectric instruments, communication module used in coal mines, smart surveillance camera system. And as the partner of NEC, Hua Guang does the life-time tests of LCD, DLP projectors and their parts and develops the prototype, in corporation with NEC-VT.


(C)2010-2011 杭州华光光电有限公司-版权所有 浙ICP 备 08006313